One of my goals in coming up with this blog is to collect the articles written about our Asian gay porn idol. Here's an interview with Brandon by Hawk Kinkaid which was originally published at hookonline:
The Myth That Is : An Interview with Brandon Lee
By Hawk Kinkaid
HOOK: How was your dinner with your family? Do they know about you?
Brandon Lee: Of course. They really don’t care. I have a pretty good family.
HOOK: Have they ever seen any of your videos?
BL: No, absolutely not.
HOOK: Do you keep your personal life secretive on purpose? How do you decide what to share and what not to share with people about your work?
BL: Yeah, I try to keep it pretty quiet. I like to keep ‘em guessing. They just know I do something secretive. They don’t pry too much. If someone comes up and asks me questions, I’ll answer that. As far as sending out a press release or an autobiography, that is not something I would do. I would guess a biography has been written about me. There was a biography about me in this book called Porn Studies, “The Resurrection of Brandon Lee: The Making of a Gay Asian-American Porn Star.” It was awfully flattering. Now and then I have to press ‘Deflate.’ That happens a lot in porn, I think. I just remind myself I am just a regular person.
HOOK: What is the weirdest thing someone said to you about your career?
BL: Where did you learn how to speak English. In the school systems, I think. I get some pretty racist stereotypes.
HOOK: Like?
BL: In the Porn Studies chapter, it says I left my parents’ Chinese food delivery store to pursue a career in the industry, which is false. It is very very false that I was discovered delivering Thai food and the director asked to see my egg roll.
HOOK: And it is not true?
BL: Not in the least.
HOOK: So what is the true story?

BL: I was 17 and at a club where the walls were like Teflon, where nothing can stick to them. They were so greased up because Chi Chi [LaRue] was filming there. I was cruising. I was out on the prowl at the peak of my sexuality.
HOOK: At 17?
BL: I was just hanging out. She was filing there and I told her I am not supposed to be there right now. I told her I would call her when I turned 18. And when I turned 18, I did call her.
HOOK: What made you all her instead of something else?
BL: I always had an interest in doing it. I have seen some bad porn, and I thought I could may be make a good one that people would like. I guess people have.
HOOK: Which brings me back to what facilitates your choices in what you tell people?
BL: If someone asks me questions, I try and be quick and witty enough to answer. I’ll tell anything. Sometimes I tell a little too much.
HOOK: When you were doing porn, did you also begin escorting? A lot of men in the business escort on the side to support themselves (since porn doesn’t generate a lot of money), so do you think escorting is looked down on in the porn world? I know of a few guys doing porn that don’t escort – do they get treated any differently?
BL: I did not escort. I worked in a bookstore for a brief moment, and then from there, when I left the industry, I moved to Florida and worked in a hotel and assistant to the GM. Then, I left that and went back to California. I started thinking maybe it’s time to explore my full capacity, so I enlisted in the Navy.
HOOK: Did they ask about your history?
BL: It’s the new navy now. They could care less about your personal life. They just want to get the job done. It was a lot of work: a lot of emotional trials, physical trials; being degraded on a consistent basis; having to answer up to shitheads. It’s stuff like that. It was pretty bad. It was something I am glad I did. I was in there for three years.
HOOK: Did they know you were gay?

BL: Yeah. (Laughs) There were times when they were like What the fuck? I played it up. I always kept ‘em guessing. They thought I was in love with my lab partner, but she was actually my fag hag.
HOOK: What about sex in the Navy?
BL: Some of the best ever, I have to say. I was stationed on a marine base. There was a lot of action there. Every man was helping each other out.
HOOK: After the Navy, you returned to porn?
BL: Immediately. I was in San Diego at the time. Going through my old address book, [I thought], “Why don’t I send Chi Chi a little email?” She asked me to come in and work the site—and at that moment—she said, “I want to sign you on the company and be an exclusive.”
HOOK: Is this a full-time gig for you know?
BL: Pretty much because a lot of the in front of the camera stuff I do, and I do a lot of scoring on a bunch of films.
HOOK: You’re a musician as well?
BL: I am Asian. I do have to live up to that stereotype. I have scored four films—all porn. The first was Chain of Command for Unzipped Video and then simultaneously, I was working on my own film Wicked. Then I was handed Service for Ken (Unzipped) and then scored Little Brother’s Big Secret for All Worlds.
HOOK: What’s your goal with your music?
BL: To be recognized as the Danny Elfman of the adult industry—somewhat like Sharon Kane.
HOOK: How did porn change the way you see yourself?
BL: I take myself a little less seriously now. When you are kinda seeing yourself in compromising positions…on the other hand, when it comes to being out in public, I take myself more seriously. People just automatically think that because I am of a certain profession, they are obligated to catch or cop a feel. Sorry, doesn’t work like that. Sometimes, it is good and sometimes, it is bad.
HOOK: When you are doing porn, how do many people perceive escorting?
BL: A lot of people do escort and I don’t condemn it. It’s probably only here [in the US] do we look down on that the same. In Europe, it is just a given. It is part of everyday life. I really think that a lot of the people in the industry don’t condemn it.

HOOK: Admittedly, it is rare to find Asian-American pornstars in the US. Do you feel intimidated or angry at the lack of diversity in porn? Or do you feel there is a lack of diversity?
BL: Not at all. I really don’t think there is a lack of diversity with Rascal, Channel One, Unzipped striving for diversity. It is a good thing: everyone for everyone. Sex is sex.
HOOK: Do you feel doing the porn work is similar to the 9-to-5 gig?
BL: Frankly, I find that the work I do in the adult industry is more relaxed and I highly enjoy it. I greatly enjoy the people I work with. I missed working with Chi Chi for quite a while. She is extremely intelligent.
HOOK: The one comment I have seen time and time again is about your 10-inch springroll. Do comments like that bug you? Or do you kinda dig it?
BL: I dig it. Let me press that deflate button on my head. Thank you.
HOOK: What is your audience like? Have you met them? Do they introduce themselves to you?
BL: Some have been very nice and very cordial and some of have been very scary. The ones that are respectful understand I am just a normal human being and of a certain profession and approach me just like anyone out at a club. And there are those think of me as a piece of meat…and it comes with the territory. I usually say thanks and if they continue, I smile and eventually say, “You know what? Go away.” I hate being bitchy, but sometimes you just have to. For example, I wanted to go to the Volcano Party (Rob Remier and I). He and I went together and I was approached by this one person who slipped me a key and said, “Come on up.” So I gave it to Rob and throughout the weekend, this guy kept coming up to me and said, “Why aren’t you coming up? Why aren’t you coming up?” I finally had to come up with a lie and say, “I am committed to someone.” But I try and feel the person out. As far as divulging my real name, I don’t feel comfortable doing that unless I am gonna engage in a little sexual activity .But usually, I keep things pretty private. As far as asking what I do in my free time, I got my degree in Advanced Avionics..and so on.
HOOK: What about dating?
BL: Dating has been weird. For example, I have been seeing someone for a short time, say three weeks, which constitutes a year, right? And we had a conversation last night and he was like, “Why can’t you work in Wal-mart.?” Wal-mart is not my thing. And the one [guy] prior to that was the same way. He said to me, “I just wish I could date someone normal.” I am very upfront about who I am in respect to relationships. Usually I meet guys out at the bars and there have been those who knew who I was. Once they overcame their starstuck-ness, it was cool. A lot of people have expected me to give up my career for them, and that is where it just doesn’t work.
HOOK: Do you find a lot of men who are working in the industry?
BL: As far as dating within the industry. I know people who do and those who don’t, and those who have given up their career for another person. I wish them all the best. It has worked for Jeremy Jordan and Jason Hawke [both being in the industry]. It just depends on people’s chemistry.
HOOK: Finally, since every gay guy and his brother are trying to push their way into porn, do you have 3 tips that might help people work smarter in the business (escorting or porn)?
BL: Don’t expect overnight success. Don’t eat carbs. The prima donna thing is not cute: retain your humility.